- retrogressive evolution
- ретрогрессивная эволюция, дегенерация* * *ретрогрессивная эволюция
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
retrogressive — ret·ro·gres·sive gres iv adj characterized by retrogression: as a) declining from a better to a worse state <a retrogressive disease> b) passing from a higher to a lower level of organization <retrogressive evolution> … Medical dictionary
retrogressive — adjective Date: 1802 characterized by retrogression: as a. going or directed backward b. declining from a better to a worse state c. passing from a higher to a lower level of organization < retrogressive evolution > • retrogressively adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
retrogressive development — Developmental trend in evolution resulting in simplification of an organism, usually through the complete or partial loss of one or more structures; regressive development … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Catagenesis (geology) — See Catagenesis (biology) for usage in the field of biology, where it refers to retrogressive evolution. Contrast with anagenesis. Catagenesis is a term used in petroleum geology to describe the cracking process which results in the conversion of … Wikipedia
Catagenesis — can refer to:* Catagenesis (geology) – The cracking process in which organic kerogens are broken down into hydrocarbons; * Catagenesis (biology) – Retrogressive evolution, as contrasted with anagenesis … Wikipedia
katagenesis — n. [Gr. kata, down; genesis, beginning] Retrogressive evolution … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
catagenesis — catagenetic /kat euh jeuh net ik/, adj. /kat euh jen euh sis/, n. Biol. the retrogressive evolution of a species. Cf. anagenesis (def. 1). [1880 85; CATA + GENESIS] * * * … Universalium
History of Western typography — Contemporary typographers view typography as craft with a very long history tracing its origins back to the first punches and dies used to make seals and currency in ancient times. The basic elements of typography are at least as old as… … Wikipedia
Jean Laplanche — (né en 1924), philosophe de formation, est un psychanalyste « de la troisième génération ». L importance de son œuvre se mesure à l aune de l avancée scientifique que propose la psychanalyse en France après Freud : les travaux de… … Wikipédia en Français
Доказательства эволюции — Ископаемый археоптерикс, обнаруженный вскоре после публикации « … Википедия
biological development — Introduction the progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an organism by which its genetic potentials (genotype) are translated into functioning mature systems (phenotype). Most modern philosophical outlooks would … Universalium